Join the Heritage Society, a community committed to making a lasting impact through planned gifts to Ephrata Community Health Foundation. Whether we’re already part of your plans or you’re considering it, your gift speaks volumes about your values and inspires generosity in others.
The details of your gift are confidential, and we respect your privacy if you wish to remain anonymous. Let us know if you’ve already included us in your plans so we can ensure your gift aligns with your goals.

Meet Our Members
Frank Baier*
Earl and Bernetha Barnett*
Norman and Kathryn Bouder*
Paul and Evelyn Brubaker
Dorothy M. Bucher*
Donald and Leslie* Coldren
John Darras and Mary Mellinger-Darras*
Reuben DeLong*
Richard L. Ebersole
Margaret R. Eppihimer*
Robert and Romaine Fasnacht*
Harold and Geraldine Frankfort*
John and Maria Gerhard
Harry and Marguerite Gerhart*
Lloyd S. Gerhart*
Nelson and Gail Glatfelter
Noah and Kathryn Glatfelter*
Donald and Virginia Good
Arthur and MaryBelle Graybill
Ruth B. Graybill
Irvin and Grace Graybill*
Harry and Kathryn Gring*
Gerald Groff
Donald and Grace Hand*
Arlene M. Hartman*
Richard and Elizabeth Heisey*
E. Austin and Helen Hess*
J. Willard Hibshman*
Frances D. Hoover*
Edwin R. Horst*
Michael and Francine Kane
Florence C. Karam*
June E. Kissinger*
Jacob and Anna Kreider*
Marvin and Edith Kurtz*
Elias and Susan Landis*
H. Martin and Naomi Lausch*
Eleanor R. Lessley
Martha H. Ludwig*
Ammon S. Martin
Harvey and Laura Martin*
Charles and Jeanne McCachren*
Arthur and Annabel Mellinger*
A. Kathryn Messner*
Irvin and Ruth Ann Messner*
David and Rose Mull*
Jeff and Pam Musser
Titus and Mildred Musser*
Galen* and Norine Myer
Carl Herbert Myerley*
Charles and Ethel Rea*
Mae S. Reich*
Craig and Teresa Rineer
Ada S. Royer*
George H. Ruth
Gilbert and Esther Sager
Richard and Ethel Seiverling*
Jacob and Elizabeth Shaub*
Ronald and Jean Shober
Paul R. Shober*
Eva B. Snader*
Theodore and Emily Sprecher*
Mary I. Steinmetz
George R. Stief*
Leo and Anne Sweigart*
Paul and Ethel Sweigart*
Bart and Helen Vanberg*
Jacob and Elizabeth Weber*
Irene Weidman*
Harold* and Fay Weitzel
Robert* and Carolyn Wenger
Esther M. Withers*
Clair* and Evelyn Wolf
Norman and Pauline Wolfe*
Dr. Luke and Mary Youndt*